本想留一篇 “辛酸記事錄-卷一”, 但唔順利既工作好似暫時告一段落, 所以唔開心既事唔再稔羅…  另一方面仲憂心緊轉工既事/搵地方住既問題/將來既計劃… 


“所以, 不要為明天憂慮, 一天的難處一天當就夠了” (太 6:34)
“你要專心仰賴耶和華, 不可倚靠自己的聰明, 在你一切所行的事都要認定祂, 祂必指引你的路” (箴 3:5-6, from DCCF 2005 theme, thanks!)

有著以上的提點, 我想我知道應該怎樣做…   願神引領我每一天的生活,
學習信靠, 順服, 倚賴!


4 thoughts on “

  1. Thanks for your comment, you’re being such a good buddy to me, keep in touch!
    haha, not really gai…  there’s another way… it’s just to – hang on…Besides, I do like this job (ppl, work environment, etc), but the project type is different from my interests, that’s all
    . ­ø¶¶§Q¬J¤u§@ h happens everywhere, even if I switch job… So to me, I’m okay with either job, and we’ll see how my career will go

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